Ice cream in Dubai more than $ 800

After gold was known luster, is now able to wealthy identify the taste, in the Emirate of Dubai a cafe offers a bit too posh of the sundae “ice cream” studded carat gold 23 processor and edible, and has a price apiece from AED 2999 (US $ 800) , according to the newspaper “Daily Mail”.

The cafe “Scooby Cafe” offers for the wealthy patrons of that gold piece, never-named “Black Diamond”.

This ice cream is made of Iranian saffron Italian and black truffle, as well as imported from Madagascar vanilla, and it takes manufacture of the cafe’s owner Zubin Deutsche 5 weeks to pick the best ingredients from around the world.

Although this is an expensive ice cream, but it has a delicious taste, especially after the addition of 23 carat gold carat him, also served in the pot, “Versace” Luxury. This allows the customer to keep the cafe group consisting of the bowl and the spoon as a souvenir.

And offers a cafe, which is located in Jumeirah Street next to Umm Suqeim Park in Dubai, along with a piece of expensive ice cream a variety of traditional ice cream and frozen yogurt.

Although the piece Ice Cream “Black Diamond” is the most expensive in the world, but they are not the most expensive dessert at all.

In a related development, the “Krispy Kreme” series has revealed last year unveiled its most expensive “donut” in the world on the occasion of the National Week of the donut, where the price of a donut Krispy Kreme luxury and stuffed with berries and cream and decorated with leaves carat gold 24 Aqrata edible beads diamond good also to eat in addition to fruit and flowers handmade Belgian chocolate with white dust of gold, to $ 1684.

It was not “donuts” which display in the store, “Selfridges’ Oxford Street, London, for sale, but only as a prize given to Claudine Taylor used, a makeup artist from London.

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