How to keep your skin Healthy And Get Rid Of Wrinkles Forever

How to keep your skin Healthy And Get  Rid Of Wrinkles Forever

With age, wrinkles turn into an annoying nightmare that worries every woman. With the physical and psychological stress, she experiences in everyday life and with every expression she makes, her wrinkles turn into an inevitable reality. But the appearance of wrinkles does not mean compliance because the world of beauty provided us with several solutions of cosmetic operations to tighten the face to cosmetics and anti-wrinkle creams. But what you are ignorant of is that there are natural remedies that will help you delay the appearance of wrinkles or even get rid of them.

How to keep your skin Healthy And Get Rid Of Wrinkles Forever

Causes of wrinkles

Women all realize that wrinkles are a sign of aging, but what they are concerned about is their early appearance sometimes. There are several factors that lead to the appearance of wrinkles such as excessive exposure to the sun and feeling tired and tired as well as smoking cigarettes containing harmful substances spoil the skin and accelerate the process of aging. Without forgetting the environmental factors, including air pollution and exposure of the skin to the dense dust and toxic chemicals and bright lights. Facial movements such as peeling, biting, etc. can cause wrinkles around the mouth, eyes, and forehead. Wrinkles appear when weight loss is quickly caused by loss of fat cells, or vitamin E deficiency because it causes damage to the skin.

Some home steps to get rid of wrinkles

In order to preserve the freshness of your skin, put in your hands Madam some of the simple home remedies to get rid of wrinkles and prevent appearance:

1. Always eat healthy foods

Make sure that a balanced diet will give you a healthy look and give your skin fresh youth. So make sure your diet is rich in grains, fruits, and fresh vegetables and include foods with natural antioxidants such as vegetables rich in fiber and healthy natural fruits free of chemical preservatives. Because these chemicals lead to the degradation of collagen and this is one of the direct causes of the appearance of wrinkles. Try to drink at least 6 or 4 liters of water a day because water is the perfect solution to moisturize your skin. Avoid as much as possible the stimulant fluids such as coffee, tea, and much of the dairy and cheese, and are daily supplied with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Eat the chopped ginger mixed with honey every morning. Eat four tablespoons of flax seed oil daily because flaxseed oil is very effective in treating wrinkles, but make sure your body can tolerate this oil because it can sometimes cause diarrhea.

Try these homemade recipes

Many people agree that bananas are an anti-wrinkle treatment. So, rinse a quarter of a banana well until it is like a skimmer, then wipe it off and leave it for 15 or 20 minutes. Wash your face with lukewarm water and then sprinkle with a little cold water.

Try green apples with pineapples. Serve these fruits and then put the juice on your face for 15 minutes before you wash it with cold water. Repeat this process on a daily basis and you will notice that the wrinkles will wear off over time.

– Lemon is a healthy cure for the body, and placed on a daily basis on the skin helps to get rid of wrinkles and other problems.

– Treat the areas that complain of the appearance of wrinkles with coconut oil daily before the immortality to sleep.

– Remove the contents of three capsules of vitamin E in a small bowl, add two teaspoons of yogurt, half a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of lemon juice, mix the mixture and wipe your face with a piece of cotton and leave for 10 minutes before you wash.

– Wipe the area around your eyes with egg whites.

– Prepare this effective combination of a quarter cup of soaked perennial herbs, a quarter cup of Hamamalis and ten points of perfumed Pichol oil. Keep this mixture in a bottle and wipe it with wrinkles using cotton.

– Keep a number of stainless steel spoons in the refrigerator, then take them out the next morning and put your flat tip over your eyes. This method is very effective to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes.

Do the facial massage

Because the massage promotes blood circulation and helps to tighten muscles and tissues, the facial massage every night using the natural moisturizing lotion and creams keeps the skin soft and smooth. Message from the neck to the forehead and massage the area of wrinkles with quick circular movements using your fingers. When you reach the area of the chin and jaws, peel the skin between your thumb and the rest of your fingers.

Change your lifestyle

Live a fun life away from tension, keep your temper calm and avoid tantrums, and remember to draw a permanent smile on your lips. If your work puts you under a number of stressors and makes you tired you have to give yourself time to rest every day. Keep breathing, meditation and yoga exercises as the ideal solution for relieving tension. It also reduces the risk of aging and wrinkles on the face, strengthens blood circulation, refreshes tired skin and helps the body control its weight and disinfect it.

Here are some tips

Keep your face clean. Before you go to sleep, remove the pterygium. Open the pores of the skin, wash it with soap made from herbs, and dry it thoroughly before applying it with a moisturizing cream. This helps ensure that the skin gets rid of its impurities.

Protect yourself from the sun and do not get exposed without using protective creams and wearing sunglasses. Because it can delay the appearance of wrinkles in the area around the corners of the eyes at least.

Try to smile constantly and avoid peeling and ointment because it preserves your youthful appearance on the one hand and gives you an attractive appearance on the other.

It is used to grow on your back because sleep on the abdomen and limbs requires placing the face on the pillow, which certainly leads to wrinkles and wrinkles of the forehead. If you grow on your back and avoid getting into this problem.

There are many factors that can cause skin problems, but make sure that if you follow the right steps you will always find the right solutions to treat them and get rid of them.

Causes of wrinkles and ways to get rid of ItGet Rid of Wrinkles Forever
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