8 Tips to invest in gold

8 Tips to invest in gold

8 Tips to invest in gold

There are 8 tips for consumers, who want to invest in gold, and the exploitation of the large decline that finally occurred on prices, on top: investing time low prices, up to at least 10% of the price average of gold in the last six months, and focus on buying gold bullion rounds 24 in particular, and to be investing in gold from surplus funds, with no recourse to borrowing, to buy gold and invest in it , Said investment expert in the field of gold jewelry, jewelry set secretary in Abu Dhabi, Abdul Wahid Ahmed Marzouki

He reported that it is expected that gold prices have declined more than 10%, during the next six months, pointing out that the investment in the yellow metal is not without risk, but the risk ratio ranged between 10 and 15% only, while up in other investment

Investment expert in the field of gold jewelry, secretary Jewellery Group in Abu Dhabi, Abdul Wahid Ahmed Marzouki, if there are 8 tips for consumers, who want to invest in gold, and the exploitation of the large decline finally occurred in the prices, on top: investing time low prices, said up to at least 10% of the average price of gold in the last six months, and to focus on the purchase of 24 carat gold bullion in particular, and to be investing in gold from surplus funds, with no recourse to borrowing, to buy gold and invest in it.

He reported that it is expected that gold prices have declined more than 10%, during the next six months, pointing out that the investment in the yellow metal is not without risk, but the risk ratio ranged between 10 and 15% only, while up in other investment sectors to 70% .

Decline expected

It is expected that gold prices have been falling over the next six months, by more than 10%, driven by the rising dollar, the strength of the US economy after experiencing volatility, during the last period in the wake of the decline in more than a month continued to unprecedented levels in years.

Investing in gold such as investment in other sectors is not without risk, as there is no safe investment by 100%, but the percentage of risk in the investment is much lower than other sectors, with gold, such as real estate, stocks and bonds, for example.

The risk in investing in gold ranged between 10 and 15% only at the most, while up risk ratios in investment real estate sector, for example, to 40%, and the rise in sectors such as stocks to almost 70%.

Among the reasons for superiority of gold on the other sectors in terms of safety, it is one of the rare metals, and it does not follow the stock in the ups and downs, and it is an excellent tool of savings tools, especially for the people who suffer a significant fluctuation in their currencies, so experts peoples advised experiencing instability in their currencies to invest in gold, through the replacement of gold coins, to be able to protect their money from the falling value, and increasing inflation.

Low prices of the yellow metal tempted to buy significantly, particularly if it kept pace with the seasons, weddings and festivals, as it pays consumers to opine investment.

High and low

Gave Marzouki 8 tips for consumers, who want to invest in gold during the coming period, and the exploitation of lower prices, the first being: «that investing in gold is the time of lower prices, ie to buy the investor when the price is in the case of depression, and to be falling price up to more than 10% of the price average of gold in the last six months », pointing out that« at the opposite end, there is a need to avoid buying gold in the case of higher prices, especially if oil prices were in the case of a significant rise, so that was the aspect ratio of more than 15%, compared to the average price during the last three months ».

Workmanship and financial surplus

He advised to focus on the purchase of 24 carat gold bullion, in particular, because a few  , especially the big weights, because the greater the weight of the ingot I workmanship.

He noted that in the third advice to the importance of «to be investing in gold from surplus funds, which are not needed in the near future, during a period of up to six months», pointing out in this regard that «When a person invests a certain amount, and finds himself in need to be forced to selling quickly   money, especially if it coincided with a decline in gold prices ».

He said in this regard the need «not to resort to borrowing from banks, or any third party to buy and invest in gold, even if the prices were very attractive, because it can not predict future prices, and if the price fall finds consumer or investor himself, demanding payment of benefits at certain times because. any unrest or political crises or economic prosperity, positively or negatively affect gold prices »

Financial portfolio and craft items

Marzouki stressed in his advice on a fourth gold not constitute more than 40% of the investment portfolio of the investor, as part of the diversification of the portfolio, to minimize the loss if it happened as much as possible.

He advised to refrain from buying gold busy, so if buying for investment purposes and not ornamental, because the workmanship prices are high, also advised to refrain from buying jewelry containing precious stones or semi-precious stones in abundance, such as «zircon», because when you sell the value of workmanship discount and value Price stones.

Investment strategy

With regard to the sixth his advice, Marzouki called for the investor in the gold price to determine who wishes to access it to achieve a certain profit, to sell in case the price reaches to the point defined by that, to come back and win the purchase and invest again.

He demanded permanent access to news the US economy, and reports of strength or weakness of the dollar, before purchase and invest, because there is a strong inverse relationship between the dollar and gold, the more the US economy is strong and the dollar rose against other currencies, it has led to a decline in gold, while the rise the price of gold when there is a slowdown in the global economy, and reduced the value of the US dollar.

Finally, Marzouki advised that there is a clear and long-term investment strategy, contrary to speculation, as the speculators buying Following behind the rapid gain, then rushing to sell and get out of the market, affecting prices.

8 Tips to invest in gold

1 that the investment be as low prices, while avoiding the time of purchase to rise.

2 buy bullion rounds to the low 24  .

3 to be the investment of surplus funds, with no recourse to borrowing.

4 that what constitutes a gold ranging between 30 and 40% of the investment portfolio.

5 refrain from buying gold occupied for the purpose of investment, especially those that contain precious stones, semi-precious or abundance.

6 to determine the price at which the investor wants to access it, to make a profit.

7 Permanent found on news the US economy, and the reports of the dollar.

8, there is a clear and long-term investment strategy.

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